TYPOGRAPHY TUESDAY: Limit Your Typefaces

Whether you’re designing a standard business card, a booklet, or a large scale poster, it’s always smart to limit your typefaces. With over a decade in the wholesale printing industry, we’ve seen that the most effective print pieces use smart typography to get their message across.

When you’re selecting typefaces for your design project, remember that it’s hard on the eye to scan multiple font styles. Your goal is always to communicate information as quickly and effectively as possible. By choosing a simple collection of fonts, you accomplish this goal.

Carefully select fonts for your headings, subtitles, and body. Choose typefaces that work well together and are easy on the eyes.

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helpers " + - and space
busi card matches either busi or business or card or cards
"business card" matches only "business card"
+busi card must match the first; can match the second
+busi +card must match both terms
+busi -card must match the first; cannot match the second