Studies Show: Printed Brochures STILL WORK!

In the landscape of Google ads, SEO and online advertising, it can be a tough sell to push printed materials as part of an effective marketing mix. As a wholesale trade printer, we daily see the effectiveness of custom printed brochures, postcards, flyers, and more. The savvy marketer knows that a diverse approach is the smartest route – and studies back that up!

Wholesale Custom Printed Brochures

Custom Printed Brochures are "Still Relevant"

Bentley University’s Center for Marketing Technology ran a survey that produced some incredible data on the subject. CMT director Ian Cross stated, “Even in this digital age, people still value tangible, ‘in-the-moment’ printed materials like brochures, maps, and travel guides. They are still very relevant.”

Some interesting answers from the visitors included in the survey:

  • On average, 79 percent of visitors picked up brochures.
  • 85 percent of visitors found out about a local business or attraction by picking up a brochure
  • 61 percent of visitors decided to purchase products or tickets that they learned about in a brochure
  • 73 percent of visitors considered changing their travel plans because of a brochure

So what does this survey tell us? Brochures and flyers are a crucial part of any comprehensive marketing mix. And at our competitive wholesale printing prices, custom printed brochures are a no-brainer. Talk to our commercial print experts about the best options for your graphic design and marketing clients.

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